SpectacularKidz - Bilingual Day Nursery & Preschool

Our Curriculum and Learning

The Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a Government framework that sets out minimum standards of care and learning that all childcare providers are expected to deliver. Its purpose is to ensure that children are provided with a rich learning experience tailored to their individual needs whilst being cared for in a safe and secure environment. Our staff and management teams work together to develop an age appropriate, mentally stimulating environment for the children. We design all our rooms from babies to our afterschool clubs to provide challenging activities around the developmental areas.

The EYFS contains a series of “Early Learning Goals” that set out what most children are expected to achieve by the end of their reception year. These goals are grouped into seven areas of learning:

Core Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication, Language
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design

These are taught holistically rather than in isolation.

Observations /Activity plans:

As a nursery, we continually observe, listen to and assess the children in our care. This enables us to record their achievements in each of the seven areas of learning and then to plan activities and provide resources that will extend each individual child’s learning and development. the EYFS is not a curriculum for young children – it is simply a guide to help childcare practitioners provide effective learning opportunities that are adapted to the needs of each child.

Staff members observe each child then plan activities based on these observations. They photograph the activities to keep a record of each child’s progress and to share with the children and parents on what the children are learning. Children’s online observation folders are available for parents to view at any time and instantly once the staff members update the children folders. This is notified to each child’s individual parent via their mobile devices. This helps parent keep on top of their child’s progress and see what they are learning.


What Makes Us Special?

  • Family support
  • Hot Lunch Program and nutritious snacks
  • Anti-biased programming
  • Emergent Curriculum
  • Inclusion of children with special needs
  • Family Events
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Fieldtrips

Facts About Day Nursery Center

  • Qualified Early Childhood Educators
  • Committed to serving thecommunity
  • Member of the Manitoba Child Care Association
  • Member of the Canadian Child Care Fereration
  • Licensed by the Province of Manitoba
  • Volunteer Board of Directors
  • Charitable Organization

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