SpectacularKidz - Bilingual Day Nursery & Preschool

A day at Nursery

A Typical Day at SpectacularKidz Day Nursery

Young children have no real understanding of time, so it’s important to have a routine that enables them to know what they will be doing at each point in time.

We provide a free play and a free flow where children decides on what they want to do, either go to the garden or stay indoors to play, with various activities set up both indoors and outdoors.

A typical day begins with a ‘free-play’ period when the children arrive so staff can be available to greet them and their parents or carers. During this time, we offer the children breakfast.

This is followed by ‘circle time’ where children can “show and tell”, explore new items or topics, listen to stories or maybe sing some songs. After ‘circle time’ the children are allowed to choose from a range of activities that have been carefully planned and set up to meet the children’s individual needs and interests i.e. writing, building, painting etc. During this time staff, will observe the children and make written observations to add to the child’s individual ‘Achievement’ folder. The babies and toddlers both have garden time before lunch.

The morning session finishes by having healthy lunch together that is freshly prepared on site daily by the Nursery Chef.

In the afternoon the younger children may have a napif their routine needs one. They then have a drink and snack before going in the garden. The older children have their garden time after lunch and have access to a range of activities planned for the garden.

We then have a light tea which is followed by a story time and free play. The parents arrive to collect their children and the staffs are available to speak to parents and tell them about their child’s day.

The baby room has a similar routine in terms of basic meal times but these are adapted to meet the needs of the individual babies. The routine is adapted to meet the babies sleep and feeding patterns.

We often take the children out on local trips to the park, shops and library. However, there are times when we will organise group trips to the museum, fire station, and farm and will ask for parents to come along with us.

We believe that our routines should be flexible so that we can adapt to situations like hot/cold/wet weather, special events, and children’s current interests so we ensure that we change our activities and plans accordingly.

Typical daily activities we do with the children include:

Painting, Drawing, Gluing, Cutting, Modelling, Play dough, Clay, Woodwork, Sand, Water, Climbing, Sliding, Cycling, Balls, Hoops, Balancing, Stories, Music and Movement, Learning the Alphabet (lower case), Mark Making, Basic Maths and Science, Memory Games, sorting and matching, Conversation, Listening Skills, Dressing up, Social Skills, Sensorial Training (touch, smell, etc.), Weather, Time, Seasons, Nature, Concentration, Home Corner, Role Play, Cooking and baking, Fitness/sports, Information Technology (ICT).


What Makes Us Special?

  • Family support
  • Hot Lunch Program and nutritious snacks
  • Anti-biased programming
  • Emergent Curriculum
  • Inclusion of children with special needs
  • Family Events
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Fieldtrips

Facts About Day Nursery Center

  • Qualified Early Childhood Educators
  • Committed to serving thecommunity
  • Member of the Manitoba Child Care Association
  • Member of the Canadian Child Care Fereration
  • Licensed by the Province of Manitoba
  • Volunteer Board of Directors
  • Charitable Organization

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