SpectacularKidz - Bilingual Day Nursery & Preschool

Nursery Policies

If your child becomes ill during the day at nursery they will be placed in a quiet room or area to rest and away from other children. We will contact you to discuss your child’s welfare, and this may give you the opportunity to make a doctor’s appointment. We may feel that it is in the child’s best interests to be taken home although we do appreciate that this may not be immediately. However, in the case of diarrhoea and sickness collection of your child will need to be as soon as possible to minimise the risk of infection spreading.

There are some instances when your child will need time off from nursery due to the risk of illness spreading to other children – a doubtful rash, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, vomiting, and any infectious disease such as chicken pox.
If your child is prescribed medicine by the doctor, we will be happy to administer it, but will ask that you complete a form. We cannot give your child any over the counter medicines e.g. cough mixtures.
We do have a consent section in Registration form that can be signed giving the manager permission to administer Calpol if your child’s temperature becomes a concern and a parent is more than 1/2 hour away. Parents will always be informed of the time and dosage given.

In an emergency we will summon medical assistance immediately or the manager will take your child to hospital (which ever is deemed appropriate) you will be contacted immediately.

The nursery has Video intercom entry system, with LCD screen to view the person at the door. Staffs can view and talk to the visitor without having to open the door. There is a bell system to alert staff that you are waiting and a member of staff will come and greet you. Your child will not be allowed to leave with anyone other than yourselves. Whilst your child attends nursery, you need to feel confident that they are going to be kept safe at all times. We educate and train our staff to be aware of how important our security policy is.
You will find in the nursery we have taken the following steps to ensure this:

On registering you will be asked to complete a child and family profile which gives us details of who can pick up your child including photographs and secret passwords.

Parents are asked to instruct staff if anybody unfamiliar to the nursery will be dropping off or collecting your child.

We will ask for their name, description, car registration and a password

It is requested that as a parent you do not let any other person into the nursery. It may appear to be another parent you are holding the door open for- or it may not.

The outside play area is fenced round with security measures in place.

Children will be supervised in toilet training and personal hygiene. (Individual potty training programmes will be discussed with you.)
All the rooms have alcohol gel for the staff to use to sanitise their hands after wiping noses, being outside and before meal times.
All children have accidents from time to time and we would very much appreciate a complete change of clothes placed in your child’s bag on their clothes peg.

Please make sure your child has a coat, hat and gloves in the winter months, as there will be opportunities for outdoor play. In summer months please provide sunhats and sun cream.

Settling in session
The nursery encourages settling in sessions, of two to three hours the first three days this will be arranged with you by the nursery manager. We recommend you book these at times when you know your baby / child is most content. This will allow your child short time periods in which to adapt to the nursery setting and staff, before being left for a longer period. If parents wish to spend time, usually half an hour in the setting during the settling in process, then this is fully supported by staff as it can assist in the transition for some children.

Parents need to bring:
Parents are asked to provide the following items, labelled and in a small backpack size bag that will fit on a cloak room peg: change of clothes, sun hats, nappy / sun cream, bottled formula or breast milk (labelled), dummy if applicable, wellington boots, rain coat, winter coats, toothbrush and paste.

The nursery has as strong focus on outdoor activities. We have a garden area for the children to play, along with a hard-surfaced area for trikes and ride-on cars and other wheeled toys. There is a purpose-built vegetable area.
We request that you provide suitable clothing and Wellington boots as the nursery takes every opportunity to spend time outdoors and in the craft and messy areas. Whilst we provide aprons and take all reasonable measures to protect your Childs clothing, we cannot in any way be held financially liable or responsible for any damage caused.

Admissions Policy
SpectacularKidz admits children from the age of 3 months to 12 years. All nursery/club places are allocated on first-come first-served basis and in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Policy. When there is a waiting list for the Nursery applications are dated on receipt. On confirmation of a place, parents are required to pay two weeks’ fees as a deposit. This is non-returnable in the event of the place being cancelled by the parent. Preference is given to parents who already have a child in the Nursery and there is a 5% discount on the fees of the child who attends the nursery least.

Waiting Lists
Nursery places are limited, especially baby places, therefore early booking is advisable. Those wishing to register should obtain an application form from the Nursery Manager. Once completed application forms are received names will be added to the waiting list. Further information is available on request via the Nursery Manager.

Collection and Non-Collection of Children
Parents are asked always to collect their children from the nursery by no later than 6.30. If anyone other than yourself is collecting your child the Nursery Manager or the Deputy Manager must be informed as soon as possible by telephone. The person collecting your child should be known to the nursery staff and must be named on the child’s record as a person authorised to collect him or her. We request that a photo be provided of all authorised people designated to collect your child is provided upon registering along with providing a unique safety password. If your child is not coming to nursery a phone call should be made to the nursery before 8. 30a.m

Partnership with Parents
Our partnership with parents is vital to the success of the Nursery. Parents are always welcome to spend time at the Nursery and to share in their child’s life at the nursery. We produce newsletters updating parents on Nursery matters, and hold regular open Evenings. Parents are encouraged to discuss any aspect of Nursery life with us, and we will always try to respond positively and constructively to any feedback. We have a detailed procedure in place to allow parents and carers to raise any concerns or complaints and be confident that any matter raised will be taken seriously. We provide daily reports in your Childs diary covering information on your child’s meal, sleep and toileting routines. We also provide an in depth year-end report covering all aspects of your child’s stage development, likes, dislikes and interests linked to their age appropriate milestones.


What Makes Us Special?

  • Family support
  • Hot Lunch Program and nutritious snacks
  • Anti-biased programming
  • Emergent Curriculum
  • Inclusion of children with special needs
  • Family Events
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Fieldtrips

Facts About Day Nursery Center

  • Qualified Early Childhood Educators
  • Committed to serving thecommunity
  • Member of the Manitoba Child Care Association
  • Member of the Canadian Child Care Fereration
  • Licensed by the Province of Manitoba
  • Volunteer Board of Directors
  • Charitable Organization

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